Can You Feed Beefalo Monster Meat

Hey guys! Im back with another DST update. This will be about the Pig King/Pigmen/Beefalo and how to use them to your advantage.

I want to start with this as it may be one of the most important bits of info in this section: If you find the Pig King, you can give him some items and most Meats to get gold nuggets.  If you have meat you cant give him, feed it to a bird you imprisoned.  It will drop an egg for you, which you can then feed to Pig King to get gold. Infinite gold source!

Note: It may be a good idea later to set up a birdcage and icebox full of meat near the King to farm gold.

Most people like to build base near a Pig village for protection and a work-force.  Feeding pigs meat (including monster meat, however they can turn into Werepigs with monster meat which are like werewolf's but the pig variety) will befriend them for a period of time (depends on what you gave them).  While they are friendly they will help you chop trees or fight baddies.  If you feed them items they dont like, such as flower petals, they will throw up manure which you can use for farms, berry bushes, grass, etc. or you can use the manure as fuel for your Fire Pit.

When using pigs to help you de-forrest your game, make sure you are not picking items up.  Only chop the trees. This is so you dont waste any befriended time.  You can pick it all up when the pigs no longer like you, and as long as the forrest doesnt burn down the items will remain.  Besides, they will stop chopping when you start collecting and they will NOT help you pick up your items.  They WILL however eat any food left on the ground for too long (a few seconds) so make sure you collect food quickly when around pigs.  Devote a day or two to cutting down trees, and when you are done cutting, equip a shovel and dig up the stumps for an extra log each while you collect your logs and pine cones.  You can use space bar after equipping the shovel to automatically pick everything up AND dig the stumps up.  Make sure you dont cut down too many trees without planting pine cones unless you want the Ent (tree god) to come after you.  Plus a full grown tree will give you 2 pine cones, turning each tree you cut down into 2 trees. The baby trees drop 1 log and no pine cones, but still add to your Tree God spawn limit so be careful.

Chopping burned trees for charcoal do not count into the total trees before the Ent comes for you.  They are dead after being burned, and since the fire killed them, it does not count (I believe). Pigs will still help you chop these if they are friendly, each taking one swing.

You can use Pigs to help defend against hounds as well, and the pigs do not need to be friendly.  The pigs will attack the hounds due to the hounds aggressive nature.  Just run around the pigs for a while and the hounds and pigs will start to fight.  Then you step in and take the rewards!  You collect hound teeth this way, which you can use to make tooth traps.  You use these traps for anything you want to kill.  Lure them in and let the traps do the work.  You can bait traps by dropping, for example, meat around the trap.  When a pig comes near, he will see the meat, walk to it, and the traps will kill him.  Since its the trap that did the killing, you remain neutral to other pigs and can still collect the loot. This makes tooth traps a good way to farm meat, and if you set it up right, they will never get to the meat to eat it.  So you can keep that one piece of monster jerky in the middle for 20 days before it goes bad, attracting pigs the whole time.

Here are some pics of different tooth trap setups:

Setting meat in the middle and traps along the outside makes for easy pig farming.
Setting meat in the middle and traps along the outside makes for easy pig farming.
A basic panic room with tooth traps.
A basic panic room with tooth traps.
Another more advanced panic room/hound farm setup.
A more advanced panic room/hound farm setup.
A more advanced version of a panic room.
Another more advanced version of a panic room.
This guy is not kidding around.  He does not want to be bothered while sleeping! lol
This guy is not kidding around. He does not want to be bothered while sleeping! lol
I dont recommend making a panic room like this. Too short. If monsters get in, where will you go? If you have to make it like this, make a bigger firepit area so you can kite mobs if needed.
I don't recommend making a panic room like this. It's too short. If monsters get in, where will you go? If you have to make it like this, make a bigger Fire Pit area so you can kite mobs if needed.

Keep in mind you can use the traps 10 times each, but after they are triggered you will have to go around and reset them. For this reason, you may want to try to make a lot of traps in an area.  Or you can create a "hall of death" where you build a long passage with wood or better walls (See pictures above; I make them 2-4 tiers high, just upgrade with another of the same wall by clicking on the already built wall) and only 1 space in the middle.  Lay tooth traps all the way down this hall and make a little square area at the end that is walled in so they have to go through your traps to get to you.  Line the area in front of the hall with traps too. Hang out in the back room of your hall and wait for death to come claim the hounds.

You can also use Beefalo to defend against hounds and other aggressive monsters. Same tactic as with the Pigs.  Run around them with the hounds chasing you, and eventually the Beefalo get pissed and attack the hounds, or the hounds loose interest in you and start to attack the Beefalo.  However the Beefalo do have a mating season and will attack you and smash your base during it. So stay away from them at that time unless you are wearing a Beefalo Hat (must be equipped before getting near them to work).

The Beefalo will give you manure when they eat grass, you can shave them for wool, you can kill them for food, horns, and wool (be careful, they will all agro on you so only attack when you know you can take them or there is only 1 or 2 around), and like I stated above, you can use them for protection.  Night-time or a Pan Flute will let you shave them (while they sleep) but they may attack. Less chance of that happening if you are wearing a Beefalo Hat. Beefalo will have Baby Beefalo (which can also be shaved/killed) after mating season is over.

You can wall up either pigs or beefalo to make sure they stay in one area, as sometimes they do wander. I use stone walls personally. Hay and wood can burn, and the Ruins/Moon Rock walls are late game items.

Now you know a bit (or maybe you already knew all this?) about the Pigmen/Pig King and Beefalo.

Its now 7am, and I said I was done after the last post.  This time I really am done, I am falling asleep at the computer.  Good night friends, thanks for keeping up with my blog, feel free to comment with tips, suggestions, or to tell me how i messed something up, and as always, DON'T STARVE!



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