Why Arent We Allowed to Say Accident Again Because Accident Implies Theres No One to Blame

Multiple Car Crash Pile Up If you've ever had someone tell yous almost crashing their car, or if you've ever spoken nigh getting into a collision yourself, the conversation probably began with these words: "I was in an blow." Whether information technology's a story in the news or a personal anecdote, most people tend to use "accident" when talking well-nigh a crash. Merely for the past several years, we at DriversEd.com have fabricated information technology an in-business firm policy to utilize "collision" or "crash" instead of "accident" in our courses , our promotional materials, and everywhere else we draw the dangers of unsafe driving.

The truth is, the use of the word "accident" to describe a crash can be very misleading. Few collisions are truly accidental. "Blow" describes an event that occurs by random happenstance, simply the vast majority of crashes aren't random. Most collisions occur because at least one commuter makes a bad decision, performs the wrong maneuver, or isn't paying attention to what'due south going on. Ofttimes, crashes like these don't take to happen–and if the driver were more than focused on driving, they probably wouldn't.

A lot of times when someone says something was an "accident," what they mean is "that's something I didn't mean to exercise." And to exist articulate, nosotros don't mean to imply that when drivers crash, they're doing so deliberately–we only recall it's wrong to treat "accidental" and "unintentional" as though they mean the same matter. More accurately, an accident is something that just happens , a circumstance of fate that no ane could have foreseen or avoided. Only if a driver decides to read a text bulletin, disregard posted speed limits, or become behind the cycle drunk, should anyone really exist surprised if they become into a crash?

And in example y'all believe that crashes are caused just as often by truly random events like an unexpected mechanical failure or a hidden oil slick on the road, remember again. According to the NHTSA, the main factor in 94% of collisions is commuter fault . To put that number into context, take a look at these statistics. Based on the sample the NHTSA studied:

  • xv,000 crashes were caused past a tire blowout or another tire or wheel problem
  • 26,000 crashes were caused by slick roadways
  • 684,000 crashes were caused past a driver who made a bad decision

In total, the study attributed over 2 million collisions to some form of driver error, including decision-making errors, attention-related errors, and maneuvering errors.

What You're Saying When You Say "Accident"

Pickup Truck Car Crash While accidents practice happen, for at least a century the word has been a go-to for people trying to avoid responsibility for acts of devastation caused past their own negligence. Fifty-fifty earlier driving became part of the American way of life, manufacturing plant owners were describing the consequences of shoddy work conditions and cheaply fabricated equipment as "industrial accidents." That the same term would come up to exist applied to driving mishaps shouldn't be considered that surprising, given that it allowed vehicle manufacturers, road builders, and even drivers themselves to characterize crashes as arbitrary and inevitable–and thus avoid accepting blame.

The problem with the word "accident" is that, when spoken by an unsafe driver, it's often used to mean "there was nothing I could practice." This kind of thinking can exist very unsafe. Drivers who tell themselves that a crash was unforeseeable and unpreventable are letting themselves ignore their power–and their responsibleness–to human activity in means that will minimize the risk of a collision whenever they're behind the wheel.

Crash Big Rig Pileup Freeway

"As parents, nosotros often tell our kids that 'accidents happen' when they drib a basin of cereal on the floor or have a potty training mishap," says Justin McNaull, a sometime constabulary officer and long-time traffic prophylactic advocate who leads DriversEd.com'southward public affairs programs. "We say it so that they'll feel better about themselves, instead of pointing out that this 'blow' could have been prevented if they had been more than conscientious, communicated with us, or paid attention to their surroundings. On the roadway, though, the consequences can exist a lot worse than tears, spilled milk, or moisture pants."

Consider the case of Kevin Roper, a commuter for Wal-Mart who earned notoriety last twelvemonth when he crashed the semi truck he was operating into a limousine ahead of him, killing the comedian James McNair and seriously injuring the thespian Tracy Morgan and several other people. Even though early reports suggested that Roper had been awake for over 24 hours at the time of the crash, the driver took to Twitter to maintain his innocence, claiming that it was he who was facing unfair consequences "because I had an unfortunate Accident with the wrong car that night."

Roper's statement suggests a conventionalities that the universe is at error for putting a motorcar conveying a famous person in his path. But according to the National Transportation Safety Board , not only had Roper been awake for over 28 hours, but he was as well driving 20 mph over the posted limit when he collided with the limo. While Roper's instance is farthermost, the faulty logic backside his attempts to limit his blame is characteristic of how the discussion "accident" lets people see collisions equally misfortunes that happen to them rather than outcomes they frequently have the ability to change or avoid.

And when it comes to collisions involving bicyclists and pedestrians, "accident" has even been used by the police to let car drivers off the hook. For instance, after cyclist Mathieu Lefevre was killed in New York City in a striking-and-run crash, an NYPD spokesman maintained that, "There'south no criminality. That'due south why they call it an blow." (Indeed, in the early 20th century , when automakers wanted to shift the arraign for motorcar-pedestrian crashes away from drivers, they relied on the word "accident" to help them in their crusade.)

Crash, Not Accident: A Growing Consensus

Multiple Vehicles Collision Fortunately, we aren't the just ones trying to become people to finish using "accident" when describing collisions. We're joined past a growing group of publications, authorities organizations, and other groups, including the NHTSA , the California DMV , the British Medical Periodical , and the Periodical of Traumatic Stress Studies . Even the NYPD has inverse its policy, going so far as to rename its "Blow Investigation Squad" the "Collision Investigation Squad".

Still, it'due south still common practice amongst many media organizations to use the word "blow" when covering a story involving a major collision, empowering drivers like Kevin Roper and making information technology more hard to build the political will to pass new laws or establish new regulations that may actually ameliorate road safety. As a effect, the advancement groups Transportation Alternatives and Families for Condom Streets , likewise as the organization Route Peace , accept recently launched " Crash Not Accident " campaigns to encourage people to be more conscious of the words they use when describing a collision. Co-ordinate to Caroline Samponaro, Deputy Director of Transportation Alternatives:

"When you lot say 'accident', you lot've already decided that [the collision] wasn't preventable. When you say 'crash', you're not saying the driver is always to blame, y'all're only acknowledging that we should know more about that, that we should look deeper into it, that nosotros should think almost what we can modify."

As this argument suggests, the of import thing isn't necessarily finding someone to blame for every crash that occurs. Nevertheless, what is crucial is that drivers terminate thinking of crashes every bit random acts of caprice and always remember that paying attention, making the right decisions, and properly controlling their cars are all positive actions they can take to reduce their hazard of getting into a collision.

"As drivers, we accept a shared responsibility for what happens when we're backside the bicycle," adds McNaull. "Even seemingly little things similar the words we use can help improve the safety civilization on our roadways to make driving safer and easier for u.s.a. all."


Source: https://driversed.com/trending/why-we-use-crash-not-accident

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